Live Like Ava Fundraiser – Page 3 – Rock City Outfitters

Live Like Ava Fundraiser

Posted by Ryan Ritchie at

At Rock City, we usually aren’t that serious about many things, but one thing we try to do is put a little fun into every day life. And that is what we want to talk about today. We helped make a shirt “Live like Ava” to honor a little girl from Arkansas who lived every day to the fullest before she was taken from her family at the young age of 7 years old. The last couple of weeks have been absolutely heart wrenching for her family and they struggle to understand why this happened. 

Ava was a precious little girl and loved by many. Beautiful inside and out, she deeply loved Jesus, her family and friends. She was funny, kind and had a smile that would instantly light up a room and anyone around her.  Ava was in the second grade at Central Arkansas Christian School in North Little Rock. She loved playing softball, swimming, gymnastics, reading, and playing with baby dolls. She was a member of Immanuel Baptist Church and Elite Sluggers. Ava lived every day to the fullest and her Aunt wants to encourage everyone to do the same: 

“Scripture tells us "in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NKJV) but y'all it's tough...just being honest. On my knees (and many times on my face) before Him, I declare, "Lord show me how to be thankful in this."

We trust Him. Fully and completely. We may not understand and we certainly don't like the pain. But He is faithful and we will see our precious Ava Jane again when we join her and Jesus for eternity. Until that day, my prayer is to live like Ava. Living like her is living like Jesus and for that I can be thankful - and many lives can be changed for Him which is His will."

Proceeds will benefit the Ava Jane Hill Memorial Fund which is being used to help with overwhelming, unexpected expenses during this difficult time.”

If you want to order a shirt, you can get one HERE and share the link with everyone you know and encourage them to live like Ava too! 

Ava Jane Hill 

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